Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Buddhism A Spiritual Path - 1773 Words

Are you ready to meet the religion who charted a priceless, complete, commonsensical guide to true happiness? Today, large numbers of men and women from diverse backgrounds throughout our world are following the Teachings of the Buddha. So what is Buddhism? Buddhism is the religion of a spiritual path, followed into enlightenment through the conquering of one’s knowing desires. Buddhism takes you on a spiritual journey, to become one with the soul. It teaches one how to comprehend life’s mysteries, and to cope with them. Buddhism is not only an ancient belief, but its mythical origins, major practices and legal concepts are what build this 2,500 year old religion. There are many myths on how Buddhism started. One of them is based on the main god which is Siddhartha Gautama. Siddhartha also known as the Buddha â€Å"the awakened one†. He was the leader of a sect of vagrant ascetics, one of many sects which was very well known in India. Siddhartha is a Sanskrit personal name which means, he who achieves his goal. Siddhartha was born and raised in India in a rich palace. His father demanded that he must be separated from the rest of the sick world that surrounded him. As Siddhartha continued living in the luxury of his palace and separated from the world, he grew restless inside his walls. At the age of twenty-nine he decides to leave his wealth and family to find answers to his questions. He then began to practice the austerities and self-mortifications practiced. He began toShow MoreRelatedBuddhism Is A Path Of Spiritual Development Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesvariety of traditions, which are closely related and share some common themes but does not form a unified set of practices and beliefs. Hinduism does not share the same organized system of beliefs within their community. On the other hand, Buddhism is a path of spiritual development leading to the true nature of reality. 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